We proudly represent the Operative Plasterers’ and Cement Masons’ International Association


We dedicate ourselves to the promotion of cement and plaster as building materials, the recruitment and training of skilled craftsmen to meet the demand of our industry, and hold ourselves responsible to this commitment for the future of our industry and the welfare of all those who earn their living in it.


Higher Earnings

It is a proven fact that members of a trade union make more money over a life time than their counter-parts who are not in a union. Please see our wage calculator to estimate a Cement Mason or Plasterer Journeyman earnings.


OPCMIA Local 514 members receive a pension plan and annuity to ensure you live the quality of life you deserve once you retire.


Members are offered Blue Cross Blue Shield Medical Insurance, an exemplary and established insurance program. As medical care costs continue to rise, don't go unprotected.


OPCMIA Local 514 offers training for every level. From our Apprenticeship program to journeyman upgrade classes, OPCMIA training keeps our members safe and sharp with the latest developments in the industry.